An Opportunity for Churches

As we stand on the brink of a new year, and Heartbeat continues to grow by the grace of God, reaching more women and helping them to choose life for their unborn babies, we are reaching out to our church partners to play a more integral role in communicating our messages to those who stand with us in the fight for life.

We have just launched our Church Briefs program, where we send out a monthly message to our church subscribers to share with their congregation however they feel is best – whether it be in a church meeting, on a slide with their church announcements, or in their bulletin. In these monthly messages, we might share news on our events, features on women whose lives have been impacted by this ministry, statistics, news on the pro-life battle, information on opportunities to get involved and more – whatever is relevant to the ministry at the time.

We invite all churches to sign up to receive these monthly email updates by sending an email to our communications coordinator at Please include the name of the person to whom the Church Briefs should be sent, his/her email address, and your church’s name.

We look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in 2020, and thank you for your support of this important ministry in 2019! Have a blessed holiday season with your families as you celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Kate Flowers